Saturday, January 10, 2009


We had a great New Year.

I went for an MRI on Dec 20. Nothing broken. No cancer. Just a little arthritis. I went for an ECHO test for my heart. I am waiting results.

Still waiting to try to get my vehicle fixed by the truck driver that backed into me. It is such a shame. Luckily my van still runs.

Jordans soccer game today was postponed due to dripping from the ceiling. Jordan has her next game on January 24.

Jordan has a modeling job on Monday. It is for Scott Foresman school books in Glenview, IL. We went shopping today to get some bright, solid & striped clothes. We take the clothes back when we are done with the modeling shoot.

We have been shopping at Jewel and taking advantage of the cheap Pampers diapers and getting the $15 Jewel coupons.

Jordan is in brownies and is selling girl scout cookies. She is aiming to win an IPOD and get some money for her Camp Palos trip in May. In July, Jordan will bridge to Junior Girl Scouts.

Jordan started the choir at OLOR Church. She practices every Thursday. She will sing once a month at the family 11:30 a.m. mass.

And Jordan is still in piano lessons on Thursdays with Miss Carrie. She likes it.

Payton is seeing a counselor at Worth Township. We hope to get this hair pulling and thumb sucking thing taken care of.

Luke is still getting physical therapy, developmental therapy, speech therapy and seeing a dietician every other week. It is kind of working.

Lily loves school still. The "bus". Lily goes to Harnew School Monday - Friday 9:10 a.m. - 11:35 p.m. Lily will have 4 weeks of summer school also.

Erik has ended his temp job at Xerox and is currently looking for a job again.

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