Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stuff Stuff

Well, lets see, where should I begin.
Our dishwasher is working goofy. Only the dishes on the bottom are getting clean. We have lived here for almost 11 years and haven't ever had to fix it, so it is due. Do we pay over $100 to have it fixed if it can be fixed or do we get a new one for under $300?

I am in the middle of trying to decide if I am going to take the truck driver to court. I would have to go to the Bridgeview courthouse and pay like $180 and fill out some paperwork. I am gathering information on how long it takes a car to rust once the paint has been removed. And I am taking some measurements of myvan to see if the truck/minivan collision line up. I am gathering papers from State Farm to show I haven't filed any claims EVER with them. It is a bigger deal than it seems. I am currently waiting for a lawyer to call me back.

Payton got his blood work back and he is not anemic. His stomach xray came back and there is no furball in there. We shaved his head. We saw Paytons doctor and he was worried that Payton had Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder). But it looks like he doesn't because he passed all the tests. We will be weeding out the social worker "John" at Worth Township this month.

Jordan has church choir every week. She has brownies every other week. Jordan is still on the soccer team and got to play goalie. Jordan and Payton are still ER (Religious class) 2 times a month.

Luke is still seeing a dietician 1x a month, a speech therapist, a dev therapist and a physical therapist. Luke will be done with the pt at the end of March. Lysa says he is looking a lot better when he walks. His legs kind of turned out. Luke is slowly gaining weight and we have to put DUOCAL in a meal once a day. That is a tasteless powder with 25 calories in it to help him put on the weight.

Lily is still the stubborn little 3 year old that we all know and love. I just can't get her moving in the morning to get on that bus. She is still in the Early Childhood program at Harnew School. Her vocabulary has tripled in the last 12 months. 1 year ago she started all the therapies.

And Erik is still at his temp job in Elmhurst. It has been 3 weeks now. His unemployment has run out. It has been a year since laid off from Washington Mutual.

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